What is an LEA
An LEA is an agreement between one or more First Nations and a provincial school board, or independent or private school, for the purchase of educational services by the First Nation(s) for its status Indian students ordinarily resident on reserve but attending schools off reserve. An LEA defines the relationship between the two administrations, areas of mutual responsibility and agreed upon schedule for payment for the purchase of education programs and services by the First Nation(s).
Enabled by S. 86 (3) of the B.C. School Act, LEAs are intended to give First Nations a stronger voice in the education of their children and improve educational outcomes for First Nations learners.
FNESC has worked to build the capacity of First Nations communities to design effective LEAs in several ways, including establishing an LEA subcommittee in 2007 to guide work in this area, publishing an LEA handbook with templates and key recommendations, and delivering community LEA workshop
click on the other resources tab, scroll down to 'What is an LEA' tab and click on the link:
PLAY IS THE WAY® is a practical methodology for teaching social and emotional skills using guided play, classroom activities and an empowering language - behavior education using wisdom, not force.
Click on the link for great tips for parents.
video link for SD58 http://www.playistheway.ca/
Articulation Handouts
UBC Learning Circle Denise Findley – Raising resilient children
Please scroll down to click on the video links
Denise Findlay, M.Ed., CPCC, ACC, is an Educator, Facilitator, Consultant, and Owner of Kweykway Consulting.
Denise is a bi-cultural woman who belongs to the Squamish Nation. She is a Faculty Intern, Facilitator and Parent Consultant dedicated to supporting adults to make sense of children. Denise works extensively with First Nations in British Columbia and other parts of Canada and is a wife and mother to two highly sensitive, intense and bright boys. Denise’s passion for the Neufeld approach was ignited when she sought support as a parent and experienced Dr. Neufeld’s teachings to be in complete alignment with her deepest intuitions about parenting. Denise has been able to share her insights with Indigenous parents and helping professionals to empower them to be their child’s best bet and to look to traditional approaches to parenting that focus on attachment and life long, whole person development. Denise works with all adults wanting to make sense of children and youth using Dr. Neufeld’s insight and evidence based model of attachment and development to tease apart complex issues. Denise has experience training Educators, Parents and Parent Groups, Social Workers, Early Childhood Educators, Mental Health Practitioners and other Helping Professionals.
Denise provides one-to-one support to adults wanting to make sense of children. She also provides presentations and training for Parents, Educators, Social Workers, and Mental Health Professionals.
Part 2